Theory Study on Design Parameters of the Horizontal Drainage System of Consolidation Method 软基排水固结处理水平排水系统设计参数的理论研究
Influence of Horizontal Boundary Condition on Settlement of Subgrade Improved with Drainage Consolidation 水平边界条件对排水固结处理地基沉降的影响
Strain holding test ( SHT), part of self-boring pressuremeter test, is one of the most effective in-situ tests in determining horizontal coefficient of consolidation ( ch). 旁压应变保持试验(SHT)是测定土体水平固结系数的有效原位测试方法之一。
The blasting test demonstrates that the horizontal stress wave contributes more to water drainage than vertical stress wave, reducing water drainage distance is favorable to squeezing water and consolidation of soil, the blasting powder amount influences test result greatly. 爆炸试验表明,水平向应力波对土体排水的贡献大于竖向应力波,缩短排水距离有利于土体的排水固结,炸药用量对试验有很大影响。
The probabilistic characteristics of consolidation of sand drained foundation are highly sensitive to the uncertainty of horizontal consolidation coefficient, but they are not sensitive to the uncertainty of vertical consolidation coefficient. 砂井地基固结的概率特性对于水平向固结系数的不确定性比较敏感,而对于竖向固结系数的不确定性不敏感。基于参数的敏感性分析,提出了砂井地基固结概率设计的简化分析方法。
In routine design of sand drains, mean consolidation degree and mean strength increase are estimated, using only horizontal coefficient of consolidation. 排水固结法加固软基有垫层排水和砂井排水两类方法。采用的计算方法多数仅考虑地基加固层的平均固结度与强度的增长。
Discussion on horizontal freezing consolidation technology applied in Tianjin subway across Ziya River 探讨水平冻结技术在天津地铁过子牙河段的应用
The vertical and the horizontal coefficient of consolidation can be adequately modeled by either a lognormal distribution or a gamma distribution. 固结系数的概率分布一般为对数正态分布或伽玛分布。
This article presents a class of the analytical theory for calculating seismic pore-water pressure generation and dissipation in saturated sand layer with a horizontal ground on the basis of combining the two-dimensional formulation of Terzaghi's consolidation theory with a seismic pore-water pressure generation model. 本文将Terzaghi二维固结理论与震动孔隙水压力增长模式相耦合,提出了一类饱和砂层震动孔隙水压力的二维扩散解析理论。
The central design coefficient is decreasing function of coefficient of variation of horizontal coefficient of consolidation, and increasing function of probability of failure. 中心设计系数是径向固结系数变异系数的减函数,而是失效概率的增函数。
The high pressure creep equipment was designed to study the horizontal ground stress of shaft lining in Juye mine area of Shandong province where the thickness of alluvium was nearly 700 m. The maximum consolidation pressure of the equipment could exceed 20 MPa. 为研究山东省巨野矿区埋深近700m的巨厚土层中煤矿立井水平地压大小计算方法,本文自行设计了最大固结压力可超过20MPa的高压K0蠕变试验系统。
The paper develops the analytic theory of ground consolidation bb shaft of un-striking through semi-permeable down horizontal bed. And it analyses the basic consolidation shape of this kind of ground. 本文发展了考虑半透水下卧层的未打穿竖井地基固结解析理论,并分析了此类地基的固结基本形状。
The more the semi-permeable comprehensive parameter Rv of down horizontal bed is, the rapider the consolidation is. 下卧层半透水综合参数Rv越大,固结越快;
The application of horizontal jet grouting pile pre-consolidation technique to the underground heating power pipeline project in Beijing is mainly introduced and the consolidation principles, construction method and technique characteristics of horizontal rotary jet grouting pile are expounded. 主要介绍水平旋喷桩超前加固技术在北京地下热力管线工程中的应用,重点阐述水平旋喷桩的加固原理、施工方法、技术特点。
It can be shown that the sensitivity of consolidation of sand-drained ground to the uncertainty of horizontal coefficient of consolidation is much stronger than to that of other soil parameters. 本文研究还表明,砂井地基固结的概率特性对水平向固结系数的不确定性最为敏感。
In the paper, the coefficient of in-situ horizontal consolidation is also inferred by means of relaxation test of Total Pressure Cell and Terzaghi consolidation theory and the test results are compared with the test value of the lab test and the pore pressure sounding dissipation test. 文中还提出了利用应力铲松驰试验和太沙基一维固结理论推求原位水平团结系数,并将试验结果与室内试验和孔压触探消散试验值进行了比较。